After struggling with infertility for many years, I have become extremely pro-life. There are good people, many very good people, who can’t have children, and they want them. There are awful people in terrible circumstances that have babies left and right. Those of us who can’t have children would adopt them, all of them, in a heartbeat.
There were 600,000 pregnancies willfully aborted last year. That is 600,000 people who didn’t get a chance at life because their parents were not willing to find a way to make it work. Pregnancies do not just happen by accident, and they are 100% avoidable.
People who are “pro-choice” don’t seem to realize that their choice was whether they would have penetrative sex or not. That was their choice. When the life of another human being came into question, they lost their choice. They say, “My body, my choice.” What do they mean by that? They don’t want to house another human being for nine months? What about the choice of the defenseless baby growing inside them? Do they not have a choice? They don’t have a voice because their parents ended it for them.
I know that many people will disagree with me. Life will be what it is. The world will be what it is. I am just saying that the whole thing isn’t fair. I’m also not saying that I’m a good person, but my wife is. It is traumatizing to read the news and learn that babies and children are being abused or dying at the hands of their parents. Where is the fairness in that?
The Case for Life: A Personal Perspective on Adoption and Abortion
Meta Description
Explore a deeply personal perspective on the pro-life stance, examining the intersection of infertility, adoption, and abortion. This article presents arguments for valuing unborn life and considers the ethical implications of pregnancy termination.
The debate surrounding abortion continues to be one of the most contentious issues in modern society. This article presents a pro-life perspective, informed by personal experiences with infertility and a deep concern for the value of human life at all stages of development.
The Infertility Experience
For many couples, the struggle with infertility is a profound and often traumatic experience. It can lead to a heightened appreciation for the miracle of life and a strong desire to provide loving homes for children in need. This perspective often results in a more ardent pro-life stance.
Adoption as an Alternative
One of the primary arguments presented by pro-life advocates is the availability of adoption as an alternative to abortion. Many infertile couples are eager to adopt, potentially providing loving homes for children who might otherwise not have the opportunity to live.
Statistical Considerations
According to recent data, approximately 600,000 pregnancies were terminated in the United States last year. This figure represents a significant number of potential lives that were not brought to term. It’s important to note that this statistic is a point of contention in the broader debate on reproductive rights.
The Concept of Choice
A central argument in the pro-life position is the questioning of when “choice” occurs in the process of reproduction. This perspective posits that the critical choice is made at the point of engaging in sexual activity, rather than after conception has occurred.
Ethical Considerations
The pro-life argument often centers on the ethical consideration of the unborn child’s right to life. This viewpoint challenges the notion of bodily autonomy when it comes to pregnancy, arguing that the rights of the developing fetus should be taken into account.
Societal Implications
Proponents of the pro-life stance often point to broader societal issues, such as child abuse and neglect, as reasons to encourage adoption over abortion. They argue that there are loving families willing to adopt and provide care for children who might otherwise be at risk.
While the abortion debate remains complex and multifaceted, the pro-life perspective presented here offers a deeply personal view rooted in experiences with infertility and a strong belief in the value of all human life. As society continues to grapple with this issue, it’s crucial to consider all perspectives and the potential implications of our collective choices.
It’s important to note that this article presents one viewpoint in a complex and ongoing societal debate. Readers are encouraged to seek out diverse perspectives and factual information to form their own informed opinions on this sensitive topic.