I have been in the primary for a few years now, and I love it. I have learned many lessons through the years, and the one that stands out the most is that the children need to be engaged through exciting and reverent singing time lessons. I will post one of my ideas each week. I’m not a teacher in real life, so I don’t really know how to write lesson plans, but here is the first one I’d like to share:
Help children learn and enjoy Primary songs while practicing reverence, listening skills, and music appreciation through an engaging, interactive activity.
Materials Needed
- Chairs, floor markers, or printed spots to create a circle (one less than the number of children).
- A playlist of selected Primary songs or a pianist to play live music.
- Songbook or prepared list of songs to choose from.
- Optional: visual aids or action cards to guide song actions.
- Arrange chairs or floor markers in a circle before the children arrive. Ensure enough space for safe movement.
- Prepare a list of songs or hymns you want to reinforce during singing time.
- Have action cards or instructions ready for eliminated children to lead movements (if applicable).
Lesson Plan
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Greet the children warmly.
- Explain: “Today we are going to play Reverent Musical Chairs! It’s a fun way to practice listening carefully and moving reverently while we sing Primary songs.”
- Review expectations:
- Walk, don’t run.
- Listen carefully to the music.
- Be kind and reverent when finding a seat.
2. Demonstration (3 minutes)
- Invite a few children to demonstrate how to walk around the chairs reverently while music plays.
- Explain: “When the music stops, you find a seat. If you don’t get a seat, it’s okay! You’ll get to help pick the next song or lead a fun action.”
3. Activity: Reverent Musical Chairs (20 minutes)
Round 1:
- Begin by playing a familiar song (e.g., “I Am a Child of God”).
- Stop the music and invite children to find a seat.
- The child left without a seat:
- Chooses the next song from a list or stack of cards.
- (Optional) Leads a simple action (clapping, swaying) during the next round.
Rounds 2–5:
- Continue playing different songs, pausing at various points.
- Use eliminated children as helpers:
- Lead actions (e.g., conducting the song, making big/little arm movements).
- Guess the title of the next song based on a melody you hum or play.
Rules Reinforcement:
- If children get too noisy, pause and say:
“Remember, we’re practicing walking reverently and listening for the music to stop.” - Give a quick reminder of reverent walking if needed.
4. Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes)
- Gather the children back together and thank them for their reverence and participation.
- Ask a few questions:
- “What helped you listen carefully to the music?”
- “How did it feel to walk reverently?”
- Close with a slower, reflective song or a song that relates to the gospel message of reverence, like “Jesus Once Was a Little Child.”
Extension or Variations
- For older children, introduce a theme or gospel principle. Example: Talk about how reverence helps us feel the Holy Ghost, tying it into the lyrics of “Reverence Is Love.”
- Add action challenges led by eliminated children, such as:
- Singing staccato or legato.
- Whisper singing for a verse.
- Using hand signals to control volume.
Evaluation and Adaptation
- Observe whether children are staying engaged and responding to reverence reminders.
- Adjust timing by playing more rounds if enthusiasm remains high or fewer if focus wanes.
- Use this activity periodically to reinforce reverent behavior in a fun way.