Tag: infertility

  • Infertility in a Family-Centered Church

    Unless you have infertility, I don’t think it would be very easy to understand it. For the first few years of our marriage, we were just waiting to have kids. Then we decided to start trying, and then we tried and tried and tried and tried, and we’re still trying. We haven’t given up. But… Read more

  • Ardently Pro-Life

    After struggling with infertility for many years, I have become extremely pro-life. There are good people, many very good people, who can’t have children, and they want them. There are awful people in terrible circumstances that have babies left and right. Those of us who can’t have children would adopt them, all of them, in… Read more

  • Our Struggle with Infertility

    My wife and I have infertility. People don’t want to talk about having infertility because, as soon as you do, that’s who you are: the couple with infertility. Then the advice and stories begin. Here are some words of wisdom i have been given:  Here are some comments I have gotten:  The best part has… Read more