Tag: Reproductive Endocrinology

  • Infertility in a Family-Centered Church

    Unless you have infertility, I don’t think it would be very easy to understand it. For the first few years of our marriage, we were just waiting to have kids. Then we decided to start trying, and then we tried and tried and tried and tried, and we’re still trying. We haven’t given up. But… Read more

  • Embarrassing Story

    I am going to admit something very embarrassing. My wife and I have infertility and it’s all my fault. It feels emasculating to be the one who can’t make it work. I always feel like I am letting her down. Since this is our problem, I’ll tell you what I get to do. We have… Read more

  • Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility: When Your ‘Lab Equipment’ Fails During Crucial Experiments

    With infertility, there are many feelings: abandonment, loneliness, stress, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of not belonging to the church community, and many more. One of the craziest and least expected feelings I had was anxiety before baby dancing (the fertility world’s word for baby-making sex). When it is ovulation time, there’s a lot at stake.… Read more